“How would society get on without all my boys?” Duke of Wellington to Frances, Lady Shelley on seeing his aides de camp dancing at ball at Carlton House. Diary of Frances Lady Shelley 1787-1817
“…the system at White’s Club, the members of which are all choice gentlemen, of course, is, and ever has been, never to blackball any man, who ties a good knot in his handkerchief, keeps his hands out of his breeches-pockets, and says nothing.” Harriette Wilson in Harriette Wilson’s Memoirs
“Harris, I am not well. Pray get me a glass of brandy.” The Prince Regent to his aide upon meeting his future wife. Quoted in An Elegant Madness: High Society in Regency England by Venetia Murray
“My God, sir! I have lost my leg!” Lord Uxbridge to Wellington at Waterloo
“By God, sir, you have!” Wellington’s response to Uxbridge quoted in Men of Waterloo by John Sutherland
“I never saw so many shocking bad hats in my life.” When asked what he thought of the first Reformed Parliament, as quoted in Words on Wellington(1889) by Sir William Fraser, p. 12.