Letters of Dorothea, Princess Lieven To Her Brother 1813-1834 edited by Lionel G. Robinson, London, Longmans Green & Company, 1902

The True History of Tom and Jerry or Life in London From the Start to the Finish With a Key to the Persons and Places, Together With a Vocabulary and Glossary of the Flash and Slang Terms Occurring in the Course of the Work by Charles Heidley (includes selections from Pierce Egan’s work), London, Reeves and Turner, 1888

The Regency Reference Book compiled by Dee Hendrickson, n.d.

What Jane Austen Age and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist—the Facts of Daily Life in 19th-Century England by Daniel Pool, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1993

Daily Life in 18th-Century England by Kirsten Olsen, Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1999

The Regency Companion by Sharon H. Laudermilk & Teresa L. Hamlin, New York, Garland Publishing, 1989

The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800 by Lawrence Stone, New York, Harper & Row, 1977

An Elegant Madness: High Society in Regency England (rev. ed) by Venetia Murray, New York, Penguin, 1990

The Gentleman’s Daughter: Women’s Lives in Georgian England by Amanda Vickery, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1988

The Writer’s Guide to Everyday Life in Regency and Victorian England From 1811-1901 by Kristine Hughes, Cincinnati, OH, Writer’s Digest Books, 1998

Jane Austen:  the World of Her Novels by Deidre Le Faye, New York, Harry N. Abrams, 2005

Jane Austen: Selected Letters 1796-1817  (R.W. Chapman, ed., introduction by Marilyn Butler), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1985

The Prince of Pleasure and His Regency by J.B. Priestley, New York, Harper & Row, 1969

The Reminiscences of Captain Gronow Being Anecdotes of the Camp Court, Clubs & Society 1810-1860 by Rees Howell Gronow (abridged and with an introduction by John Raymond), New York, Viking Press, 1964

A Portrait of Jane Austen by David Cecil, New York, Hill and Wang, 1978

Mrs. Hurst Dancing and Other Scenes from Regency Life 1812-1823 watercolors by Diana Sperling, text by Gordon Mingay, London, Victor Gollancz, Ltd. 1981

A History of the English People in the Nineteenth Century, vol. I England in 1815, vol II The Liberal Awakening 1815-1830 by Elie Halevy (translated from the French by E. I. Watkin, London, Ernest Benn Limited, 2nd. Rev. ed., 1949

The Diary of Frances Lady Shelley 1787-1817 by Frances Lady Shelley, edited by her grandson Richard Edgcumbe, New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1912

The Squire and His Relations by Esme Wingfield Stratford, London, Cassell and Company, Ltd, 1955

English Social History: a Survey of Six Centuries Chaucer to Queen Victoria (ch. XV Cobbett’s England 1793-1832 I, ch.XVI Cobbett’s England II) by G.M. Trevelyan, London, Longmans, Green and Co., 2nd ed., 1946

Life in Georgian England by E.N. Williams, New York, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1912

Jane Austen’s Town and Country Style by Susan Watkins, New York, Rizzoli, 1991

The Regency Years by Robert M. Morrison, New York, W.W. Norton, 2019

The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson by Harriette Wilson, London, John Joseph Stockdale, 1825

Mad and Bad Real Heroines of the Regency by Bea Koch, New York, Grand Central, 2020

Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions, Manufactures, & etc. by Rudolph Ackermann various appropriate years

La Belle Assemblee various appropriate years

The Times (London) various appropriate years

The Edinburgh Review various appropriate years

Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine various appropriate years


Georgian Summer: Bath in the eighteenth century by David Gadd, Park Ridge, NJ, A.J.Noyes Press 1971

Royal Crescent Book of Bath by James Crathorne, London, Collins and Brown, 1998

An Essay Towards A Description of Bath by John Wood, London, Bettinham, 1765


Final Act: The Roads to Waterloo by Gregor Dallas, New York, Henry Holt 1977

The Congress of Vienna: An Eyewitness Account by Hilde Spiel, Philadelphia, Chilton Book Company 1968

By Influence and Desire: the true story of three extraordinary women—the Grand Duchess of Courland and her daughters by Rosalynd Pflaum, New York, M.Evans, 1984

The Congress Dances by Susan Mary Alsop, New York, Harper and Row, 1984

A Peace Congress of Intrigue (Vienna 1815); a vivid intimate account of the Congress of Vienna composed of the personal memoirs of its important participants by Friedrich Freksa, New York, The Century Company, 1919

The Congress of Vienna, a Study in Allied Unity  by Harold Nicolson, New York, Viking Press 1961, c1946

Vienna in the Age of Metternich by Stella Musulin, Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1975


Georgians at Home by Elizabeth Burton, Longmans, 1967 (chapter 8)


London’s Sinful Secret by Dan Cruickshank, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 2009

The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson by Harriette Wilson, London, John Joseph Stockdale, 1825


Growth and Fluctuation of the British Economy 1790-1850 by Arthur D. Gayer, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953

The London Stock Exchange: its History and Functions by Victor Morgan, William Arthur Thomas, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1962


A Plan for the Conduct of Female Education in Boarding Schools by Erasmus Darwin, New York, Johnson Reprint Company, 1968

A Governess in the Age of Jane Austen: the Journals and Letters of Agnes Porter by Agnes Porter and Joanna Martin (ed.), London, Hambledon Press, 1998

English Popular Education 1780-1970 by David Wardle, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1970

Four Hundred Years of English Education by W.H.G. Armytage, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1964

Review by Sidney Smith of Advice to Young Ladies on the Improvement of the Mind by Thomas Broadhurst, 1808 in The Edinburgh Review, vol. XV, no. XXX, Jan., 1810


The French Exiles 1789-1815 by Margery Weiner, London, Murray, 1960

The Bourbon Restoration by Major John R. Hall, London, Alston Rivers, 1909


English Costume of the Nineteenth Century by James Laver, London, A. and C. Black Ltd. 1929

Western World Costume (Chapter 15 “Transition Period 1789-1813) by Carolyn G. Bradley, New York, Appleton Century Crofts, 1954

The Cut of Women’s Clothes 1600-1930 by Norah Waugh, New York, Faber & Faber Ltd. 1968

Fashions in Hair: the First Five Thousand Years by Richard Corson, New York, Hillary House Publishers, 1971

Georgians at Home by Elizabeth Burton, Longmans, 1967 (chapter 8)

The Mode in Costume (chapter 36 English Fashions 1790-1830) by R. Turner Wilcox, New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1948

Costume In Detail 1790-1930 (Chapter 2, 1800-1835) by Nancy Bradfield, New York, Costume & Fashion Press, 1997

Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions, Manufactures, & etc. by Rudolph Ackermann various appropriate years

La Belle Assemblee various appropriate years


The Art of Dining: a history of cooking and eating by Sara Paston-Williams, London, National Trust 1993


The Regency Period (The Connoisseur Period Guides) by E.T. Joy, New York, Reynal and Company, 1958

“The Roots of Regency Taste” by John Cornforth, Country Life, April 25, 1991


Faro’s Daughters Female Gamesters Politics and the Discourse of Finance in 1790s Britain”, by Gillian Russell, Eighteenth Century Studies vol. 33 #4 (2000), p481-504.

“The Libertine’s Bluff: Cards and Culture in Eighteenth Century France” by Thomas Kavanaugh, Eighteenth Century Studies vol. 33 #4 (2000), p.505-521.

The History of Gambling in England by John Ashton, London, Duckworth, 1898


Fashions in Hair: the First Five Thousand Years by Richard Corson, New York, Hillary House Publishers, 1971


The English Carriage by Hugh McCausland, London, The Batchworth Press, 1948

Illustrated Book of the Horse: (Thoroughbred, Half-Bred, Cart-Bred) Saddle and Harness, British and Foreign, with Hints on Horsemanship; the Management of the Stable; Breeding; Breaking and Training for the Road, the Park, and the Field by S. Sidney. Originally published 1875, Reprint by Wilshire Book Company, No. Hollywood CA, 1972


The House Servant’s Directory by Robert Roberts, Armonk, NY, M. E. Sharpe, 1998

The Gentleman’s Daughter: Women’s Lives in Georgian England by Amanda Vickery, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1988

Home Comfort: a History of Domestic Arrangements (in association with the National Trust) by Christina Hardyment, Chicago, Academy Chicago Publishers, 1992


Cambridge Encyclopedia of India (“The Struggle for Power and the Establishment of British Supremacy 1707-1858) by Frances Robinson (ed), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989

A Comprehensive History of India (Book VII and Book VI chapter IV) by Henry Beveridge esq., London, Blackie, 1862

British India 1771-1947 by Michael Edwards, London, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1967

India Britannica by Geoffrey Moorhouse, New York, Harper & Row, 1983

Asiatic Annual Register or a View of the History of Hindustan Politics Commerce and Literature Asia for the Year 1801 London, Debrett

The Men Who Ruled India: the Founders of Modern India by Philip Woodruff, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1954


The True History of Tom and Jerry or Life in London From the Start to the Finish With a Key to the Persons and Places, Together With a Vocabulary and Glossary of the Flash and Slang Terms Occurring in the Course of the Work by Charles Heidley (includes selections from Pierce Egan’s work), London, Reeves and Turner, 1888

A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English by Eric Partridge, New York, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1984 (8th ed.)

A Regency Lexicon, compiled by Dee Hendrickson n.d.

The Regency Reference Book compiled by Dee Hendrickson, n.d.

What Jane Austen Age and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist—the Facts of Daily Life in 19th-Century England by Daniel Pool, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1993

The Memoirs of James Hardy Vaux: including his Vocabulary of the Flash Language by James Hardy Vaux, edited by Noel McLachlan, London, Heinemann, 1964


Letters of Dorothea, Princess Lieven To Her Brother 1813-1834 edited by Lionel G. Robinson, London, Longmans Green & Company, 1902

Jane Austen: Selected Letters 1796-1817 (R.W. Chapman, ed., introduction by Marilyn Butler), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1985

The Reminiscences of Captain Gronow Being Anecdotes of the Camp Court, Clubs & Society 1810-1860 by Rees Howell Gronow (abridged and with an introduction by John Raymond), New York, Viking Press, 1964

Mrs. Hurst Dancing and Other Scenes from Regency Life 1812-1823 watercolors by Diana Sperling, text by Gordon Mingay, London, Victor Gollancz, Ltd. 1981

The Diary of Frances Lady Shelley 1787-1817 by Frances Lady Shelley, edited by her grandson Richard Edgcumbe, New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1912

The Diary of Fanny Burney by Frances Burney d’Arblay, edited by Lewis Gibbs, New York, Dutton, 1966

The Creevey Papers: a Selection from the Correspondence and Diaries of the Late Thomas Creevey by Thomas Creevey, edited by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, London, John Murray, 1933

The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson by Harriette Wilson, London, John Joseph Stockdale, 1825


Old and New London: A Narrative of its People, History, and Places (Vol. IV “Westminster and the Western Suburbs”) by Edward Walford, London, Cassell Petter &Galpin 1880

The London Encyclopedia edited by Ben Weinreb and Christopher Hibbert, Bethesda, MD, Adler & Adler Publishers, INC. 1986

Romantic London by Ralph Nevill, London, Cassell & Company, Ltd., 1928

London Past and Present: a Dictionary of its History, Associations, and Traditions (3 vol.) by Henry B. Wheatley, London, John Murray 1891, reissued by Singing Tree Press, Detroit MI 1968


The Statutes at Large From the Twentieth Year of the Reign of King George the Second to the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of King George the Second to Which is Prefixed a Table of the Titles of all the Public and Private Statues during that Time Cap. XXXIII An Act for the Preventing of Clandestine Marriages, Volume the Seventh, London, Mark Basket Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, Henry Woodfall and William Strahan Law Printers to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty,  MDXCCLXIV


Musical Memoirs:  An Account of the General State of Music in England from the First Commemoration of Handel in 1784 to the Year 1830 by W.T. Parke, New York, Da Capo Press, 1970


A Narrative of the Peninsular War by Andrew Leith Hay, J. Hearne 1850

The British Cavalry by Philip Warner, J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1984

The Peninsular War: a Concise Military History 1807-1814

Peninsular Cavalry General: the Correspondence of Lieutenant-General Robert Ballard Long (ch. XIV The Pyrenees and the End of Long’s Active Career 1811-1813) by Robert Ballard Long, London, Harrap, 1951

Wellington in the Peninsula, 1808-1814 by Jac Weller, London, Nicholas Vane, 1962

The Spanish Journal of Elizabeth Lady Holland by Elizabeth Lady Holland edited by the Earl of Ilchester, London, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1910

The Dispatches of Field Marshall the Duke of Wellington, K.G. : During his Various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France from 1799-1818 vol. 10 by Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, edited by John Gurwood, London, Murray, 1838

Wellington: a Personal History by Christopher Hibbert, Reading, MA, Addison Wesley, 1997


The House Servant’s Directory by Robert Roberts, Armonk, NY, M. E. Sharpe, 1998

The Gentleman’s Daughter: Women’s Lives in Georgian England by Amanda Vickery, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1988


Spies and Spymasters: a Concise History of Intelligence (p. 66-80) by Jock Haswell, London, Thames & Hudson, 1977


The British Cavalry by Philip Warner, J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1984

Final Act: The Roads to Waterloo by Gregor Dallas, New York, Henry Holt 1977

Waterloo Letters: a Selection from Original and Hitherto Unpublished Letters Bearing on the Operations of the 16th, 17th, and 18th June 1815 by Officers Who Served in the Campaign by H.T. Siborne (ed) London, Cassell &Co., 1891

Eighty Years Ago, or the Recollections of an Old Army Doctor, His Adventures on the Field of Quatre Bras and Waterloo and During the Occupation of Paris in 1815 by Dr. Gibney, London, Bellairs & Company, 1890

Men of Waterloo by John Sutherland, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1966

Wellington: a Personal History by Christopher Hibbert, Reading, MA, Addison Wesley, 1997

The Creevey Papers: a Selection from the Correspondence and Diaries of the Late Thomas Creevey by Thomas Creevey, edited by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, London, John Murray, 1933

Eighty Years Ago: or the recollections of an Old Army Doctor: the adventures on the Field of Quatre Bras and Waterloo and During the Occupation of Paris 1815 by Dr. Gibney, London, Bellairs & Company, 1896

The Story of the Household Cavalry  vol. II  by Captain Sir George Arthur Bart. London, Archibald Constable and Company Limited, 1909


The Bluestocking’s Dilemma

Growth and Fluctuation of the British Economy 1790-1850 by Arthur D. Gayer, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953

A Foreign Affair

Final Act: The Roads to Waterloo by Gregor Dallas, New York, Henry Holt 1977

The Congress of Vienna: An Eyewitness Account by Hilde Spiel, Philadelphia, Chilton Book Company 1968

By Influence and Desire: the true story of three extraordinary women—the Grand Duchess of Courland and her daughters by Rosalynd Pflaum, New York, M. Evans & Company, 1984

The Congress Dances by Susan Mary Alsop, New York, Harper and Row, 1984

A Peace Congress of Intrigue (Vienna 1815); a vivid intimate account of the Congress of Vienna composed of the personal memoirs of its important participants by Friedrich Freksa, New York, The Century Company, 1919

The Congress of Vienna, a Study in Allied Unity  by Harold Nicolson, New York, Viking Press 1961, c1946

The British Cavalry by Philip Warner, J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1984

Vienna in the Age of Metternich by Stella Musulin, Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1975

Waterloo Letters: a Selection from Original and Hitherto Unpublished Letters Bearing on the Operations of the 16th, 17th, and 18th June 1815 by Officers Who Served in the Campaign by H.T. Siborne (ed) London, Cassell &Co., 1891

Eighty Years Ago, or the Recollections of an Old Army Doctor, His Adventures on the Field of Quatre Bras and Waterloo and During the Occupation of Paris in 1815 by Dr. Gibney, London, Bellairs & Company, 1890

Men of Waterloo by John Sutherland, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1966

Wellington: a Personal History by Christopher Hibbert, Reading, MA, Addison Wesley, 1997

The Creevey Papers: a Selection from the Correspondence and Diaries of the Late Thomas Creevey by Thomas Creevey, edited by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, London, John Murray, 1933

Fortune’s Lady

Faro’s Daughters Female Gamesters Politics and the Discourse of Finance in 1790s Britain”, by Gillian Russell, Eighteenth Century Studies vol. 33 #4 (2000), p481-504.

“The Libertine’s Bluff: Cards and Culture in Eighteenth Century France” by Thomas Kavanaugh, Eighteenth Century Studies vol. 33 #4 (2000), p.505-521.

The History of Gambling in England by John Ashton, London, Duckworth, 1898

Illustrated Book of the Horse: (Thoroughbred, Half-Bred, Cart-Bred) Saddle and Harness, British and Foreign, with Hints on Horsemanship; the Management of the Stable; Breeding; Breaking and Training for the Road, the Park, and the Field by S. Sidney. Originally published 1875, Reprint by Wilshire Book Company, No. Hollywood CA, 1972

Lady Alex’s Gamble

Faro’s Daughters Female Gamesters Politics and the Discourse of Finance in 1790s Britain”, by Gillian Russell, Eighteenth Century Studies vol. 33 #4 (2000), p481-504.

The Libertine’s Bluff: Cards and Culture in Eighteenth Century France” by Thomas Kavanaugh, Eighteenth Century Studies vol. 33 #4 (2000), p.505-521.

The History of Gambling in England by John Ashton, London, Duckworth, 1898

Lord Harry’s Daughter

A Narrative of the Peninsular War by Andrew Leith Hay, J. Hearne 1850

The Peninsular War: a Concise Military History 1807-1814

The British Cavalry by Philip Warner, J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1984

Peninsular Cavalry General: the Correspondence of Lieutenant-General Robert Ballard Long (ch. XIV The Pyrenees and the End of Long’s Active Career 1811-1813) by Robert Ballard Long, London, Harrap, 1951

Wellington in the Peninsula, 1808-1814 by Jac Weller, London, Nicholas Vane, 1962

The Spanish Journal of Elizabeth Lady Holland by Elizabeth Lady Holland edited by the Earl of Ilchester, London, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1910

Spies and Spymasters: a Concise History of Intelligence (p. 66-80) by Jock Haswell, London, Thames & Hudson, 1977

The Dispatches of Field Marshall the Duke of Wellington, K.G. : During his Various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France from 1799-1818 vol. 10 by Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, edited by John Gurwood, London, Murray, 1838

Wellington: a Personal History by Christopher Hibbert, Reading, MA, Addison Wesley, 1997

Mistress of Fashion: Juliette

London’s Sinful Secret by Dan Cruickshank, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 2009

The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson by Harriette Wilson, London, John Joseph Stockdale, 1825

The French Exiles 1789-1815 by Margery Weiner, London, Murray, 1960

The Bourbon Restoration by Major John R. Hall, London, Alston Rivers, 1909

The British Cavalry by Philip Warner, J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1984

The Story of the Household Cavalry vol. II  by Captain Sir George Arthur Bart. London, Archibald Constable and Company Limited, 1909

Final Act: The Roads to Waterloo by Gregor Dallas, New York, Henry Holt 1977

Waterloo Letters: a Selection from Original and Hitherto Unpublished Letters Bearing on the Operations of the 16th, 17th, and 18th June 1815 by Officers Who Served in the Campaign by H.T. Siborne (ed) London, Cassell &Co., 1891

Eighty Years Ago, or the Recollections of an Old Army Doctor, His Adventures on the Field of Quatre Bras and Waterloo and During the Occupation of Paris in 1815 by Dr. Gibney, London, Bellairs & Company, 1890

Men of Waterloo by John Sutherland, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1966

Wellington: a Personal History by Christopher Hibbert, Reading, MA, Addison Wesley, 1997

The Creevey Papers: a Selection from the Correspondence and Diaries of the Late Thomas Creevey by Thomas Creevey, edited by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, London, John Murray, 1933

Eighty Years Ago: or the recollections of an Old Army Doctor: the adventures on the Field of Quatre Bras and Waterloo and During the Occupation of Paris 1815 by Dr. Gibney, London, Bellairs & Company, 1896

Mistress of Herself: Georgie’s Story

Lives And Works:  Civil and Military Engineers of America  by Charles B.Stuart, C.E., New York, D. Van Nostrand, Publisher, 1871

“Roads, Railways, and Canals: Technical Choices in 19th-Century Britain”, Francis T. Evans, Technology and Culture, vol. 22, #1, Jan. 1981

The Canal Builders by Anthony Burton, London, Eyre Methuen, `972

The Heath and the Turf:  a History of Newmarket, by Richard Onslow, London, Arthur Barker LTD, 1971

Telford’s Britain, by Derrick Beckett, London, David & Charles, 1987

“Thomas Telford and the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal”, by G.Neville Crawford, Industrual Technology Review, vol. 11, issue 2, 1989

Canal Days in America:  the History and Romance of Old Towpaths and Waterways by Harry Sinclair Drago, New York, Clarkson PN. Potter, Inc., 1972

“Canvass White:  Pioneering Canal Engineer and Originator of American Cement” by Richard G. Weingardt, Leadership and Management in Engineering, vol 12, #4, Oct. 2012

Wedding of the Waters: the Erie Canal and the Making of a Great Nation, by Peter L. Bernstein,  New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 2005

An American in Regency England: the journal of a tour in 1810-1811, by L. Simond, Christopher Hibbert (editor), London, Maxwell, 1968

Mistress of London: Helen

I like to make my heroes and heroines believable as well as unusual so try to find a real-life counterpart who proves that the lives I am constructing could actually have been lived.   Well-known actress and courtesan, became the Duchess of Bolton, Elizabeth Armistead, who began her career in a high-class brothel like Helen’s Mrs. Gerrard’s became the wife of noted Whig politician, Charles James Fox.  Julian, as a nabob and a barrister is a combination based on the lives of Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine and Charles Metcalfe of India.

London’s Sinful Secret by Dan Cruickshank, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 2009

The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson by Harriette Wilson, London, John Joseph Stockdale, 1825

Cambridge Encyclopedia of India (“The Struggle for Power and the Establishment of British Supremacy 1707-1858) by Frances Robinson (ed), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989

A Comprehensive History of India (Book VII and Book VI chapter IV) by Henry Beveridge esq., London, Blackie, 1862

British India 1771-1947 by Michael Edwards, London, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1967

India Britannica by Geoffrey Moorhouse, New York, Harper & Row, 1983

Asiatic Annual Register or a View of the History of Hindustan Politics Commerce and Literature  Asia for the Year 1801 London, Debrett

The Men Who Ruled India: the Founders of Modern India by Philip Woodruff, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1954

The “Aristocratic Imperialists” of Late Georgian and Regency Britain, by Ashley L. Cohen, Eighteenth Century Studies, vol 50, no. 1 2016 p5-26

Journal of a Residence in India by Maria Graham, Edinburgh, Archibald Constable & Co. 1813

The Statutes at Large From the Twentieth Year of the Reign of King George the Second to the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of King George the Second to Which is Prefixed a Table of the Titles of all the Public and Private Statues during that Time Cap. XXXIII An Act for the Preventing of Clandestine Marriages, Volume the Seventh, London, Mark Basket Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, Henry Woodfall and William Strahan Law Printers to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty,  MDXCCLXIV

Marital Violence: And English Family History, 1660-1857 by Elizabeth Foyster, Cambridge, Cambridge University 2005

Mistress of Music: Grace

All authors of historical fiction strive to immerse their readers in the period by making the historical details accurate.  I may be biased, but to my mind, authors of Regency novels are particularly devoted to this ideal, going down rabbit holes of research until they forget what century they live in.  For those readers who would like to know more, I share my own sources with you in this bibliography.

I also like to make my heroes and heroines believable as well as unusual so try to find real-life counterparts who prove that the lives I am constructing could actually have been lived.   Mistress of Music, the story of an opera singer marrying into the aristocracy does have an example in the life of Catherine Stephens, a well-known singer who became Countess of Essex.  The career of Lord Maximilian Hawkesbury is somewhat modeled on that of Lord Stuart de Rothsay

London’s Sinful Secret by Dan Cruickshank, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 2009

The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson by Harriette Wilson, London, John Joseph Stockdale, 1825

Memoirs of Mrs. Billington From Her Birth by Mrs. Billington, London, James Ridgeway, 1792

The Careers of British Musicians: 1750-1852 by Deborah Rohr, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001

Fashionable Arts: Opera and Elite Culture in London by Jennifer Hall-Witt, 1780-1880 (Becoming Modern: New Nineteenth Century Studies), New Hampshire, 2007

Musical Reminiscences of the Earl of Mount Edgecumbe: Containing an Account of the Italian Opera in England from 1775-1834, New York, Da Capo Press 1973

Five Centuries of Women Singers by Isabelle Emerson, Music Reference Collection Number 88, Westport CT, Praeger, 2005

Opera in London: Views of the Press 1785-1830 by Theodore Fenner, Carbondale IL, Southern Illinois University Press, 1994

A Selection of Instrumental and Vocal Tutors and Treatises Engered at Stationers’ Hall from 1789-1818 by Albert R. Rice, The Galpin Society Journal, vol.41 (Oct., 1988) p16-23

Musical Memoirs:  An Account of the General State of Music in England from the First Commemoration of Handel in 1784 to the Year 1830 by W.T. Parke, New York, Da Capo Press, 1970

The Early History of the Annuity, by Edwin W. Kopf Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society,1926-1927, Vol. XIII, p225-266

The British Diplomatic Service 1815-1914 by Raymond A. Jones, Waterloo ONT, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1983

Correspondance Diplomatique du Comte Pozzo Di Borgo et du Comte de Nesselrode, by Charles-Andre Pozzo di Borgo, comte; comte de Nesselrode, Paris Calmann-Levy, 1890-1897 (Annee 1817)

Lord Stuart De Rothsay by Robert Franklin, Sussex England, Book Guild Publishing, 2007

My Lady Nightingale

The British Cavalry by Philip Warner, J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1984

Final Act: The Roads to Waterloo by Gregor Dallas, New York, Henry Holt 1977

Waterloo Letters: a Selection from Original and Hitherto Unpublished Letters Bearing on the Operations of the 16th, 17th, and 18th June 1815 by Officers Who Served in the Campaign by H.T. Siborne (ed) London, Cassell &Co., 1891

Eighty Years Ago, or the Recollections of an Old Army Doctor, His Adventures on the Field of Quatre Bras and Waterloo and During the Occupation of Paris in 1815 by Dr. Gibney, London, Bellairs & Company, 1890

Men of Waterloo by John Sutherland, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1966

Wellington: a Personal History by Christopher Hibbert, Reading, MA, Addison Wesley, 1997

Musical Memoirs:  An Account of the General State of Music in England from the First Commemoration of Handel in 1784 to the Year 1830 by W.T. Parke, New York, Da Capo Press, 1970

The French Exiles 1789-1815 by Margery Weiner, London, Murray, 1960

The Bourbon Restoration by Major John R. Hall, London, Alston Rivers, 1909

The Creevey Papers: a Selection from the Correspondence and Diaries of the Late Thomas Creevey by Thomas Creevey, edited by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, London, John Murray, 1933

Nabob’s Ward

Cambridge Encyclopedia of India (“The Struggle for Power and the Establishment of British Supremacy 1707-1858) by Frances Robinson (ed), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989

A Comprehensive History of India (Book VII and Book VI chapter IV) by Henry Beveridge esq., London, Blackie, 1862

India Britannica by Geoffrey Moorhouse, New York, Harper & Row, 1983

British India 1771-1947 by Michael Edwards, London, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1967

Asiatic Annual Register or a View of the History of Hindustan Politics Commerce and Literature, Asia for the Year 1801 London, Debrett

The Men Who Ruled India: the Founders of Modern India by Philip Woodruff, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1954

The Scandalous Widow

Georgian Summer: Bath in the eighteenth century by David Gadd, Park Ridge, NJ,  A.J.Noyes Press 1971

Royal Crescent Book of Bath by James Crathorne, London, Collins and Brown, 1998

An Essay Towards A Description of Bath by John Wood, London, Bettinham, 1765

A Plan for the Conduct of Female Education in Boarding Schools by Erasmus Darwin, New York, Johnson Reprint Company, 1968

A Governess in the Age of Jane Austen: the Journals and Letters of Agnes Porter by Agnes Porter and Joanna Martin (ed.), London, Hambledon Press, 1998

English Popular Education 1780-1970 by David Wardle, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1970

Four Hundred Years of English Education by W.H.G. Armytage, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1964

Review by Sidney Smith of Advice to Young Ladies on the Improvement of the Mind by Thomas Broadhurst, 1808 in The Edinburgh Review, vol. XV, no. XXX, Jan., 1810

The Statutes at Large From the Twentieth Year of the Reign of King George the Second to the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of King George the Second to Which is Prefixed a Table of the Titles of all the Public and Private Statues during that Time Cap. XXXIII An Act for the Preventing of Clandestine Marriages, Volume the Seventh, London, Mark Basket Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, Henry Woodfall and William Strahan Law Printers to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty,  MDXCCLXIV

The Willful Widow

Growth and Fluctuation of the British Economy 1790-1850 by Arthur D. Gayer, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953

The London Stock Exchange: its History and Functions by Victor Morgan, William Arthur Thomas, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1962
